E-life New SB draudimas self-service portal For SB draudimas customers who signed insurance contracts from 12/01/2023 and former INVL Life customers whose contracts were transferred to SB draudimas. LOG IN
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SB draudimas self-service portal Old SB draudimas self-service portal For SB draudimas customers who signed insurance contracts till 30/11/2023 LOG IN
Asset Management portal Asset Management Service portal For SB draudimas customers having Asset Management Service contract. LOG IN
"SB draudimas" mobile app is available for E-life users
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Investment Funds

Investment funds are collective investment vehicles, i.e. assets owned jointly by investors and invested by a fund management company according to a specific strategy. The management of the money invested in the funds is entrusted to investment professionals. Investors can choose the most appropriate type of investment fund (equity funds, bond funds, mixed funds, money market funds, index funds or funds of funds) based on their risk tolerance.

Investment funds

Funds that are no longer marketed

Fund documents

Investment fund documents and other information


Contact us and we will tell you more about the investment funds that interest you.


Our investment philosophy

  • Regional competence

  • Concentrated portfolios of only 20–30 most promising investments

  • Characterised by large gaps between investment allocations and benchmarks

Where do we invest?


Contact us and we will tell you more about the investment funds that interest you.


Where do we invest?

Our investment management team consists of more than ten professionals whose experience helps us select the most appropriate investments in each country and minimise potential risks.

We focus on investments and regions that we know well, so we invest in corporate shares in Eastern Europe and bonds in the global emerging markets – from Estonia in the north to Argentina in the south. These countries are all different, but share common features in their economic development, which makes it possible to identify opportunities and reduce the chances of failure.

Information for investment fund clients


The information provided here is a marketing presentation only. It should not be construed as an offer to buy or sell any financial instruments and/or to enter into any transaction(s).

Before making an investment decision, you should (personally or with the help of an investment adviser) evaluate the investment strategy of the chosen fund, the applicable charges, all risks associated with the investment, and carefully read the Fund Rules, Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document.

Please note that investing involves certain risks; therefore, before deciding to invest, you should consider the fact that the value of your investment may decrease under certain circumstances, which are beyond the control of Šiaulių Bankas AB. Šiaulių Bankas AB is not responsible for your decisions made based on the information provided here.